PhD in Education
23 years
76 publications in national and international research journals. Some recent publications are:
The Effect of Cognitive Acceleration Programme on Critical Thinking of Science Students at Secondary Level. International journal of innovation in teaching and learning. Vol VII. Issue II. 2021. Pp 87-100
Perceptions of Teacher Educators about Integration of (ESD) in Elementary Teachers Education Program. Journal of Development and Social Sciences. Vol. 2, No. IV. 2021. Pp 215-225
A Study of Individual Differences and Generic Competences: An Evidence from University Students. International journal of innovation in teaching and learning. Vol VII. Issue II. 2021.pp118-138
Project, Research Interests
6 research projects successfully completed in the area of Early childhood care and education. 2 projects were funded by the Higher Education Commission under NRPU and Thematic research grant while 4 projects funded internally AIOU.