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Day Care Center


The participation of mothers in workforce of Pakistan in general and AIOU in particular has increased manifold over the last few years. In recent years, rapid social changes in Pakistan, has led to changes in family structure and an increased number of working mothers. This in turn has increased the need for services for the care of pre-school children while parents are away from home. To ensure women’s inclusion in the workforce and provide them conducive working environment, AIOU has a well-established Day Care Centre to look after the children of working mothers.

AIOU Day Care Centre is being managed by highly professional staff who ensures:

  1. Safe and healthful care of a child in a day care center established in the University.
  2. Support to the families by providing care that promotes emotional, cognitive, communicative, perceptual-motor, physical and social development of children.
  3. Promoting the welfare, development and learning of children through day-care facilities.
  4. Maintenance of standards to aid in protecting the health, safety and rights of children and to reduce risks to children in child day care centers.

AIOU Day Care Center also provides an early childhood program for children from 1-4 years of age in partnership with the Department of Early Childhood Education. We believe that learning should be child-centered, as we focus on arts, nature, and the own interests of the children. Such adequate childcare access at an arm’s length has significantly reduced the burden of childcare on mothers specifically and parents in general.






Contact Details

Day Care Center

Registrar's Department, Allama Iqbal Open University, Sector H-8, Islamabad.
051-9250025 Fax: 9250026






The Allama Iqbal Open University was established in May, 1974, with the main objectives of providing educational opportunities to masses and to those who cannot leave their homes and jobs. During all these past years, the University has more than fulfilled this promise.