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Seerat un Nabi (ﷺ) Chair

The Allama Iqbal Open University has established a center of Excellence and Chairs for Seerat-Un-Nabi ﷺ, Iqbal Chair on Tasawwuf and Muslim thoughts, and Created Archives of Intelligentsia of Pakistan (Dialogue with History-Series of Interviews).

The aim is to establish a centre where excellence shall be imparted instead of offering conventional degree programmes. This would be an excellence-based knowledge hub primarily to carry out research on Seerat-un-Nabi ﷺ, unveil the hidden implications of iqbal’s insight of Tasawwuf and Muslim Thoughts and establish the archives of intelligentsia of Pakistan based on the series of interviews of living legends by employing the varsities’ spread, outreach, regional presence, and network.


SrNo. Books Download
1. Aap kay mqasad e Baisat (Download)
2. Assar e Seerat (Download)
3. Lecture Zahid ur Rashidi on Women (Download)
4. Aadab e Moaashrat Ahadith e Nabvi SAW ki Roshni main (Download)
5. Takreem e Insan Taleemate Navbi SAW ki Roshni main (Download)
6. Prof. Dr. Yaseen Mazhar Siddiqi Ki Seerat Nigari Ki Jihat (Download)
7. Insano ki Dini Fitrat (Download)

The objectives of the Chair are as follows:

  • to the creation, transference & dissemination of knowledge in the field of Seerat Studies, specifically providing examples from the life of Prophet through media, correspondence courses, trainings, workshops, and conferences.
  • to form research groups, identify areas of research and work as a think tank to provide an Islamic response to the intellectual challenges being faced by Pakistani society in the light of Seerat-un-Nabi ().
  • to extend cooperation, understanding and professional linkages among the institutions working for promotion & implementation of social justice & welfare in the society.
  • to undertake interdisciplinary research with involvement of other relevant departments in the University for creating understanding & bridging between different segments of the society.
  • to raise the analytical level of discourse in the Muslim scholarly community, and to work for a consensus on issues the Muslim Ummah in concerned with, in the light of Uswa-e-Hasanah.
  • to offer advice and guidance to policy making institutions & legislative bodies for the exploration & implementation of social justice at the institutional & national level, with the help of findings & recommendations of academic work accomplished by the Centre.

Academic Complex, AIOU H/8, Islamabad


Staff Members




SrNo. Books Download
1. آپ(ﷺ) کے مقاصد بعثت (Download)
2. آثار سیرت (Download)
3. خواتین کو درپیش عصری معاشرتی معاشی و سیاسی مسائل (Download)
4. آداب معاشرت احادیث نبویہ کی روشنی میں (Download)
5. تکریم انسان تعلیمات نبوی صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم کی روشنی میں (Download)
6. سیرت نگار پروفیسر محمد یاسین مظہر صدیقی (Download)
7. انسانوں کی دینی فطرت (Download)
8. سیرت طیبہ اور عصر حاضر میں خواتین کا مقام و کردار  (Download)
9. معلم انسانیت(ﷺ) کےبعض مناہج تعلیم و تربیت (Download)





Professor Dr Nasir Mahmood Chairman / Vice Chancellor, AIOU

Professor Dr Nasir Mahmood
Chairman / Vice Chancellor, AIOU

MEMBERDr Ghulam Shams-ur-RehmanChairperson Seerat un Nabi ﷺ Chair

Dr Ghulam Shams-ur-Rehman
Chairperson Seerat un Nabi ﷺ Chair

MEMBERDr Khalid MasudEx Director General Islamic Research InstituteInternational Islamic University Islamabad

Dr Khalid Masud
Ex Director General Islamic Research Institute
International Islamic University Islamabad

MEMBERProf Dr Abdul Aziz SahirChairperson Iqbal Chair on Tasawwuf &Muslim Thoughts

Prof Dr Abdul Aziz Sahir
Chairperson Iqbal Chair on Tasawwuf &Muslim Thoughts

MEMBERProf Dr Mahmood ul Hasan ButtProfessor Emeritus, AIOU 

Prof Dr Mahmood ul Hasan Butt
Professor Emeritus, AIOU

MEMBERProf Dr Abdulhamit BirışıkFaculty of Theology Marmara University  Istanbul  Türkiye

Prof Dr Abdulhamit Birışık
Faculty of Theology Marmara University Istanbul Türkiye

MEMBERDr Muhammad Moddassir AliAssistant Dean , College of Islamic Studies, Hamad bin Khalifa University, Qatar

Dr Muhammad Moddassir Ali
Assistant Dean , College of Islamic Studies,
Hamad bin Khalifa University, Qatar

MEMBERProf Dr Muhammad IlyasDG, Dawah Academy, IIUI

Prof Dr Muhammad Ilyas
DG, Dawah Academy, IIUI

MEMBER/SECRETARYMaj Raja Umer YounisRegistrar, AIOU

Maj Raja Umer Younis
Registrar, AIOU





Dr Ghulam Shams-ur-RehmanChairperson Seerat un Nabi ﷺ Chair

Dr Ghulam Shams-ur-Rehman
Chairperson Seerat un Nabi ﷺ Chair

Prof Dr Qibla AyazEx. Chairman Council of Islamic Ideology Islamabad

Prof Dr Qibla Ayaz
Ex. Chairman
Council of Islamic Ideology Islamabad

Prof Dr Muhammad IlyasDG, Dawah Academy, IIUI

Prof Dr Muhammad Ilyas
DG, Dawah Academy, IIUI

Dr Tanvir AnjumDepartment of History, Qiaid-i-Azam University Islamabad

Dr Tanvir Anjum
Department of History,
Qiaid-i-Azam University Islamabad

Prof Dr Noor Ahmed ShahtazEx-Director Shaikh ZayedIslamic Research Centre University of Karachi.

Prof Dr Noor Ahmed Shahtaz
Ex-Director Shaikh Zayed
Islamic Research Centre University of Karachi.

Prof Dr Shah Mohyuddin HashmiChairman Department of Islamic Thought, History And Culture AIOU Islamabad

Prof Dr Shah Mohyuddin Hashmi
Chairman Department of Islamic Thought,
History And Culture AIOU Islamabad

Prof Dr Shah Moeen ud Din HashmiChairman Department of Seerat Studies AIOU Islamabad.

Prof Dr Shah Moeen ud Din Hashmi
Chairman Department of Seerat Studies
AIOU Islamabad.

Mr Bakhtyar Haider Pirzada al-AzhariVice-Principal of Jamia Al-Karam, UK

Mr Bakhtyar Haider Pirzada al-Azhari
Vice-Principal of Jamia
Al-Karam, UK

Dr Syed Aziz ur RehmanCharge Regional Dawah Centre, Karachi  Dawah Academy, IIUI

Dr Syed Aziz ur Rehman
Charge Regional Dawah Centre, Karachi
Dawah Academy, IIUI

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad SadullahEx. In Charge Urdu Daerah Maarif Islamiyah Punjab University Lahore

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Sadullah
Ex. In Charge Urdu Daerah Maarif Islamiyah
Punjab University Lahore

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad SajjadAssociate Prof. Seerat un Nabi Chair AIOU , Islamabad.

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Sajjad
Associate Prof. Seerat un Nabi Chair
AIOU , Islamabad.





Dr Ghulam Shams-ur-RehmanChairperson Seerat un Nabi ﷺ Chair

Dr Ghulam Shams-ur-Rehman
Chairperson Seerat un Nabi ﷺ Chair

Prof Dr Qibla AyazEx. Chairman Council of Islamic Ideology Islamabad

Prof Dr Qibla Ayaz
Ex. Chairman
Council of Islamic Ideology Islamabad

Prof Dr Shah Mohyuddin HashmiChairman Department of Islamic Thought, History And Culture AIOU Islamabad

Prof Dr Shah Mohyuddin Hashmi
Chairman Department of Islamic Thought,
History And Culture AIOU Islamabad

Prof Dr Shah Moeen ud Din HashmiChairman Department of Seerat Studies AIOU Islamabad.

Prof Dr Shah Moeen ud Din Hashmi
Chairman Department of Seerat Studies
AIOU Islamabad.

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad SajjadAssociate Prof. Seerat un Nabi Chair AIOU , Islamabad.

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Sajjad
Associate Prof. Seerat un Nabi Chair
AIOU , Islamabad.


The Allama Iqbal Open University was established in May, 1974, with the main objectives of providing educational opportunities to masses and to those who cannot leave their homes and jobs. During all these past years, the University has more than fulfilled this promise.